When money starts to get tight, you may not know what to do. If you're struggling to make ends meet in the Tuscaloosa or Brookwood, AL area, we may be able to help. EKA offers financial assistance services.
Our financial guidance is available to anyone who needs it. Whether you're looking for a new job or just struggling to get by, we'll help get you headed in the right direction. With over 20 years of experience, we've helped people from all walks of life turn things around.
Call us as soon as you find yourself needing financial assistance.
When it comes to helping people in need, we don't set limits. We'll provide financial guidance to everyone, including:
Single moms struggling to pay the bills
Homeless individuals with nowhere to go
People struggling to pay off their loans
Those who need money to pay for appliance repairs
We can even help people battling substance abuse find professional care. All of your information is confidential and remains between us.
Take the first step toward getting your life back on track by scheduling a meeting with us.